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 Bulleted lists
 Numbered lists

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Lists are used to present listed texts.

To create a bulleted list you add a <ul> and a </ul>-tag at the beginning and the end of the list.

Numbered lists has <ol>-tags instead of <ul>-tags.

To separate single list-items use <li> and </li>-tags.

Watch the examples in the list below to see how it works.

Bulleted lists



Makes a bulleted list using the default bullettype:
    • This is one line
    • This is another line
    • And this is a final line
<ul type="disc"> Starts a bulleted list using discs as bullets:
    • This is one line
    • This is another line
    • And this is a final line
<ul type="circle"> Starts a bulleted list using circless as bullets:
    • This is one line
    • This is another line
    • And this is a final line
<ul type="square"> Starts a bulleted list using squaress as bullets:
    • This is one line
    • This is another line
    • And this is a final line

Numbered lists



Starts a numbered list:
  1. This is one line
  2. This is another line
  3. And this is a final line
<ol start=5> Starts a numbered list, first # being 5.
  1. This is one line
  2. This is another line
  3. And this is a final line
<ol Type=A> Starts a numbered list, using capitol letters.
  1. This is one line
  2. This is another line
  3. And this is a final line
<ol Type=a> Starts a numbered list, using small letters.
  1. This is one line
  2. This is another line
  3. And this is a final line
<ol Type=I> Starts a numbered list, using Capitol roman letters.
  1. This is one line
  2. This is another line
  3. And this is a final line
<ol Type=i> Starts a numbered list, using small roman letters.
  1. This is one line
  2. This is another line
  3. And this is a final line
<ol Type=1> Starts a numbered list, using normal numbers.
  1. This is one line
  2. This is another line
  3. And this is a final line
<ol Type=I start=7> An example of how type and start can be combined.
  1. This is one line
  2. This is another line
  3. And this is a final line

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